10 Reasons Why Dog is the Best Chinese Zodiac Sign

Anyone who practices astrology knows that the Chinese Zodiac is vastly different from the Western Zodiac. In the Western Zodiac, the Zodiac symbol changes monthly and is determined by the day and month that you were born on. In the Chinese system, however, the Zodiac symbols are represented by entire years. This means that the system runs on a 12-year cycle.

Like the Western Zodiac, each of the symbols of the Chinese Zodiac represents different qualities that people born under that sign take on. These vary for each sign. Some signs are more sought after than others, though none are

considered bad. Each sign offers its own unique approach.

In addition to the twelve-year cycle, the Chinese Zodiac also rotates on a five-element cycle. This is repeated every five rotations, so each element cycle takes 60 years to complete. There are five elements, earth, wood, water, wind, and metal. The element rotation also has an impact on your Zodiac sign and can influence your life.

Each of the 12 Zodiac signs offers its own advantages, but the Year of the Dog is arguably the best year to be born on. There are many benefits to being born on the Year of the Dog that outmatch the other Zodiac signs. Each sign also has its own unique personality and history. Even the order of the Zodiac has a legend behind it. Below are 10 reasons why the Year of the Dog is the best Chinese Zodiac year to be born on.


10Dog Was Third to Help a Foreign God

Dogs were each assisting the foreign god when the Jade Emperor announced his party, they each arrived at the party together.

There are various legends about how the Chinese Zodiac came to be. Most of these focus on how the order of the Zodiac was determined by the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor is the top god in Heaven according to traditional Chinese beliefs. He rules Heaven and determines who receives the Mandate of Heaven. This is similar to the Pax Romana, peace in the empire bestowed by the gods. In both cases, it was believed that the gods bestowed peace onto the empire or republic, and if the people disrespected the gods or if the ruling class ruled unjustly, the Mandate of Heaven, or Pax Romana, would be revoked. At this point, the empire would collapse or be overthrown by a more just ruler.

In one common origin story for the Chinese Zodiac, it is revealed that the order was determined by the Jade Emperor when he hosted a party for the Zodiac spirits. The order that they appear in the Zodiac would be determined by the order that they arrived at the Jade Emperor’s party.

According to the legend, Monkey, Rooster, and Dog had all left China to find and assist a foreign god in dealing with a problem in his own country. Since all three of them arrived together, the Jade Emperor instead assigned their position based on one when they arrived to help the foreign god. Since Dog was the last of the three to arrive, he was placed in the 11th Zodiac slot.


9Dogs are loyal


Each sign in the Chinese Zodiac is represented by an animal. As a result, it is common for the Zodiac signs to take on attributes from their animal parents. Each of the signs is named after a specific spirit, not the animal, however. For example, the Year of the Dog is in respect to Dog, the Heavenly Spirit, not dogs the animals. This does not change the fact that each spirit is meant to represent the animal it is named after, so they take on the same attributes anyway.

One of the most well-known attributes of dogs is their fierce, undying loyalty. Those born on the Year of the Dog share this same loyalty. When you are friends with a Dog, you never have to worry about them leaving you or betraying you. Those born on the Year of the Dog are very loyal, just like the animal that their spirit is named for.

Just because Dogs are loyal, that does not mean that you can abuse them. If you mistreat a Dog, they are likely to give you another chance, but they are not going to deal with repeated offenses. It is best to treat your Dog friends with the same level of respect that you would anyone else and do not take advantage of their loyal nature.


8They are Clever

Dogs are often too clever for their own good and can get themselves into trouble if they are not careful.

Those born on the Year of the Dog are believed to be exceptionally clever. While it is true that several other Chinese Zodiac signs also lend to their intellect, the Dog is the only one that specifies cleverness, not academic or other specific forms of intellect.

Dogs excel at tasks that require problem-solving and working with puzzles. They are also exceptional at following orders. These two factors combined mean that Dogs are a great fit for technical jobs that require a strong break-fix mentality.

The Dog’s cleverness is a great boon when it comes to troubleshooting and diagnosing problems. This is applicable across any repair profession. While the underlying mechanics may vary, the troubleshooting process remains almost universally the same, no matter what job you are doing.

This can also make them excellent candidates for various other fields. The Dog’s cleverness can help them see solutions that others wou9ld easily miss or that they would not notice as easily. For the Dog, these answers just seem to pop out thanks to their intuition. As a result, Dogs typically prefer to remain in the workforce, rather than to work their way up to management. While management does pay more, it also comes with more responsibility and takes more effort than Dogs typically like to exert.

The Dog’s cleverness can also cause problems, however. It is important to remember that just because you are clever enough to get into a situation, that does not mean that you can get out of it.


7Dogs Symbolize Coming Fortune

Dogs are also excellent hunters and can contribute to your food stores or help you track game.

In traditional Chinese folklore, it is believed that if a dog approaches your home, it means that good fortune is coming your way. The dog has long been a symbol of good fortune for various cultures around the world. It should come as no surprise since dogs are eternally loyal and have played a major role in many civilizations throughout history.

There are numerous reasons that this legend could have arisen. The most likely answer, however, is simply that the ancient Chinese recognized the good that having dogs around could cause. By having dogs around, you can reduce the chance of pests, keep predators away, and protect against thieves. With so many benefits of having a dog around, it is no wonder that they have come to symbolize coming fortune.

The myth itself is very vague and only specifies that the dog represents coming fortune. It does not specify if this is financial, social, or other forms of fortune. In most cases, it can be assumed that the myth is referring to financial fortune. It could also symbolize continued good heath or coming recovery, representing the fortune of good health.



While Dogs are known for being hard workers, they can also be quite lazy. This is especially true when they are working for themselves.

Those born on the Year of the Dog are thought to be very hardworking people. They do not mind following orders and are loyal to their employers. This loyalty and hardworking nature make them excellent candidates to join the military. For many Dogs, this is the best move, but others prefer the private sector.

Many find a job that they like and stick with it. This is in contrast to others who are always chasing after that next promotion. Dogs do not mind following orders, and they often find that they prefer the lower levels of responsibility associated with mid-level work rather than management positions.

That is not to say that Dogs cannot excel in management. Many Dogs have gone on to become great managers, but most prefer to keep things simple. When you start getting into management, your levels of responsibility greatly increase. Pay increases, too, but this is often not worth the increase in responsibility for most Dogs.

It is easy for Dog to stay motivated when they are on the clock, but when they are doing work for themselves, it is often very difficult to find the motivation to get started.

When a Dog is determined to work, they can outwork most other people, but when they are lazy, it is almost impossible to get them started. This can be a difficult problem for those born on the Year of the Dog. The best way to handle laziness is to avoid procrastinating, to begin with.


5Generally Healthy, but Susceptible to Diseases

Dogs suffer more from the same diseases than most other people.

Dogs are generally healthy and do not experience any significant health problems as a result of their sign. Dogs usually do not suffer from major health problems, but they can experience diseases more severely than others. While a Dog may be less likely to get a cold, they are more likely to suffer from the cold than someone born under a different sign.

Dogs usually have strong immune systems, preventing them from getting sick. It is one thing not to get sick, but another to recover well, however. For Dogs, recovery is often prolonged and miserable. This is similar to the phenomenon observed in the world through numerous studies, the man-flu.

Man-flu has long been mocked as men being overly dramatic when they are sick. While this answer was widely accepted for years, it turns out that it is actually true. Higher levels of testosterone cause people to respond more severely to infections. This is particularly true when it comes to respiratory infections.

For Dogs, the best medicine is prevention. It is rare for a Dog to get sick, but when they do, they can expect to suffer more ill-effects than others and to have a prolonged recovery time. This can lead to some miserable days in bed while waiting to recover.

Preventative maintenance is vital for a Dog, so be sure to eat a well-balanced diet, wash your hands regularly, and avoid areas where sick people tend to gather, such as the doctor’s office. If you can avoid getting sick, you should aim to.


4Wary of New People

The amount of time that it takes for a Dog to become comfortable with new people varies.

Dogs can often be very wary of new people. Once they get to know you, a Dog is one of the friendliest people that you can ever meet, but gaining their trust can be difficult and time-consuming. The best way to get to know a Dog is by being introduced through a mutual friend. Many Dogs instantly warm up to new people when they know someone that both parties are already familiar with.

Once a Dog gets to know you, they become much more comfortable. Dogs can often be uncomfortable around new people. Many Dogs are shy around people that they do not know while others are uncomfortable and tend to become standoffish. If you are uncomfortable around new people, it is important to take a step back and make sure that you are not rude or otherwise hostile. It is easy to act hostile without even realizing it, particularly around new people.

For most Dogs, it can be as short as a single good conversation, but for others, it can take several weeks. In most cases, one or two meetings are all that a Dog needs to become familiar with someone. Once a Dog becomes familiar with you, expect them to become much more open and talkative than they were before.


3They Are Very Protective

Dogs are very loyal and stop at nothing to protect those that they care about.

Dogs take on their protective instincts from the animal that is their namesake. Dogs, the animal, not the Zodiac sign, are naturally very loyal and protective animals. This is a result of thousands of years of selective breeding in order to create the perfect companion. Over the years, dogs have been bred for a variety of jobs, but this almost always involves protecting either people or property in some way. Over time this training becomes instinct and stays with the dog and its decedents for generations. In some cases, these instincts fade, while in others, they are bred out. Many of the instincts that dogs have today are the result of training, not leftovers from their wolf ancestors.

Like the animal, those born on the Year of the Dog are very protective. This can cause problems at times and can often cause the Dog to get themselves into bad situations. It is important to recognize that your desire to protect people is a good thing, but you must also know your limits.

For Dogs, the most important thing to remember is to know your place. Do not try to protect someone when it is not your place to do so. This can make the situation worse for everyone involved. You wouldn’t want your friend confronting your boss for you, would you? It is the same situation, know when you are needed and do not overexert yourself.


2They Can Be Frugal

A Dog raised in an economic crisis is unlikely ever ready to spend money when a cheaper option is available.

Those born on the Year of the Dog are very frugal. This can be a boon or a negative, depending on your point of view. In the current economic climate, most people are likely to consider frugality to be a good thing. Some are sure to disagree, after all, what is the point of having money if you are not going to spend it? While Dogs can be frugal, they are also not afraid to spend money when they need to.

The most important thing about being frugal is knowing when it is time to break down and spend the money. This is an area where Dogs tend to excel. Sure, they are frugal and resistant to spending money, but when there is no other choice, they are willing to spend the money that they need to.

Dogs that are born and raised during times of economic hardships are even more likely to be frugal than other dogs. This is true for anyone, but Dogs are especially likely to experience this change. Being raised in this type of situation has lasting effects on people.  This remains true even when the economic situation is good, and inflation is low.

While frugality can be a good thing, particularly during hard economic times, it can also prevent economic recovery. When people are too frugal, they do not spend money, which prevents it from reentering the economy. Taking money out of the economy puts even more stress on industries and prevents further spending, creating a vicious cycle.


1Dogs Are Honest

The most important thing a Dog can do to improve communication is to simply slow down and take more time to explain the situation.

Dogs have a strong sense of justice and doing what is right. As a result, they are also very honest. Dogs always aim to tell the truth; it is rare for a Dog to try to deceive someone actively. This is especially true for people that the Dog is close to.

In addition to being honest, Dogs have a strong sense of justice. This makes them naturally want to seek out the truth in all situations. In most cases, this is a good thing, but it can lead the Dog to get into other people’s business. It is important for Dogs to remember not to get involved when they have not to place being involved.

While Dogs rarely intentionally try to deceive, they are prone to miscommunications. Dogs are not good at communicating, and this can lead to serious miscommunications. For this reason, it is very important for Dogs to take extra time to think out what they are trying to say and be sure to enunciate each word for maximum clarity. Say the words in your head and listen to yourself. Pretend that you have no idea what you are talking about and see if what you said still makes sense. If it does, great, you are set. If not, try rewording it. It is unlikely that those around you are going to have any more luck understanding what you are trying to say than you do.

Many of the miscommunications that Dogs experience are a result of trying to rush and save time, but this only leads to taking more time for the same task.



The Year of the Dog is arguably the best Chinese Zodiac sign to be born under. It has several benefits that others do not match, and the benefits of the Dog outweigh most of the others. The Dog is the 11th Zodiac sign. Only the Year of the pig comes after the Year of the Dog. The Dog was assigned this position in the Zodiac because of when he arrived to help the foreign god with his task.

Each rotation of the Chinese Zodiac also moves the Zodiac to the next element. Each element is represented in the Zodiac, and they operate on a five-cycle rotation. Every five cycles of the Chinese Zodiac, the elements restart. These five elements are water, wind, wood, metal, and earth. In more modern interpretations, wind and metal are often combined into one. This does not, however, influence the Zodiac.

If you were born on the Year of the Dog, be happy, you were born on the best Chinese Zodiac year. Each symbol has its own advantages over the others. There are no bad symbols, but some are preferred over others. The Dog and the Monkey are two of the most sought-after signs. Those born on, the Year of the Dog, are destined for great things in their lifetime.

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