10 Reasons Cell Phones Might Not Be Safe

10 Reasons Cell Phones May Be Harmful
10 Reasons Cell Phones May Be Harmful

10 Reasons Cell Phones Might Not Be Safe


If you are like most people, you likely don’t let your cell phone get too far away from you, and it is probably always within reach. The question here is, of course, is are these phones really safe? There are billions of people who use cell phones, and right now, both scientists and governments around the world are trying to get the answer to this question through research and testing. Their results? At this point, these studies show that it might be a good idea to limit exposure to the radiation

that comes from these phones. In other words, it’s better to be safe, rather than sorry.


If you have a cell phone, you can cut down on the possible radiation exposure by only using your phone when you have a strong signal. You can also reduce the radiation by keeping some distance between your ear and the phone.


Cell phones work by changing the sound that comes from your throat into a radio wave. These waves are then sent out through the antenna of the phone. The antenna is also used to receive the radio waves from other sources, i.e. the phone of the person you are speaking to. It changes the radio waves to sound wave, and then pump them through the speaker.


The problem is that these waves are a type of radiation, which can possibly be absorbed into your head as you speak. Obviously, radiation going into your head can be problematic, and it can be a big safety issue. This is not the only safety issue associated with cell phone use, and here are the top 10 reasons cell phones might not be safe:


10There May be a Link Between Cell Phones and Brain Cancer

Cell phones might be bad for your brain

9The International Agency for Research on Cancer Classifies Cell Phones as a Possible Carcinogen

Cell phones a carcinogen?

8Cell Phone Radiation May Also Damage DNA

Cell phones emit radiation.

7Cell Phones May Be Damaging Sperm

Another reason to keep your cell phone away from your junk.

6Cell Phone Radiation May Affect Babies in Utero

Cell phones and the unborn may not want to mix.

5Cell Phones May Mess With Pacemakers

You might want to keep Uncle Charlie away from the iphone.

4Cell Phone Radiation May Affect a Child’s Brain Development

Maybe a bad idea.

3No One Has Determined that Cell Phones are Safe

Cell phones might in fact be harmful.

2Cell Phone Use May Damage Your Skin

Cell phones give you zits!?

1Cell Phones Cause Distracted Driving

Texting and driving a disaster waiting to happen.