10 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds in the World

It has been said that dogs are “man’s best friend.” Dogs can be very sweet animals, and many people bring them into their homes and make them a part of the family. Most of these dogs are loyal and loving, and they are willing to protect the human’s in their live. However, not all dogs are the same, and each year, the same dogs that we call family can become aggressive, and in some cases, they can kill.

Research shows that some dog breeds are more aggressive than others, and some of them, of course, have reputations that reflect that

. However, before we get into judging breeds, there are a few things that should come into play. First, of course, is that you can’t argue with statistics. The most aggressive dog breed in the world is the most aggressive based on how many attacks and fatalities the breed has caused. Second, it’s important to remember that all dog breeds can exhibit aggression from the largest to the smallest.

There are many different ways that a dog might show aggression. For instance, they might growl, show their teeth, or snap. Additionally, they might bite, snarl, or charge a person. Most dogs will not bite nor attack without some type of warning, though, so it’s important for owners of these dogs to look for those signs. As we look closer at these specific dog breeds, we will discuss the signs to look for. Here are the 10 most aggressive dog breeds in the world:



Chihuahua are aggressive and their aggression is perpetrated by the owner.

9Akita Inu

Akitas want to be leaders, but when they are allowed to do so, they can become very aggressive.

8Cane Corso

Cane Corso takes their role as a guard dog very seriously, but where the aggressive nature of these dogs come into play.

7Chow Chow

Chow Chows can be impatient, and they will not hesitate to retaliate if they are teased or feel threatened.

6Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher can be a great dog and part of the family, but his nature is very aggressive.


Malamute are the best dogs. They have an instinct for hunting, and you can never fully train instinct out of a dog.

The Alaskan Malamute is a very beautiful dog. This breed is highly independent, and they enjoy being the boss of others. Thanks to this, they are difficult to train, and the Malamute is not recommended for a new dog owner. Instead, only someone who is comfortable being the leader of the pack should consider a Malamute. On top of this, they are known for being quite aggressive.

When it comes to the Malamute, which is otherwise a pretty good dog, this aggression can be problematic and downright frightening. Typically, the Malamute is not aggressive towards people, however. Instead, you can rarely trust a Malamute with other dogs and other animals. In fact, there are many cases where a Malamute is so aggressive with another dog, including other Malamutes, that they cannot be kept in the same home together. The issue becomes even worse when you have two males or two females together, as they are highly territorial.

On top of this, the Malamute has an instinct for hunting, and you can never fully train instinct out of a dog. This can make them a predator for small animals, such as rabbits or even cats, and if the animal runs from the Malamute, the dog will certainly chase it. Though you will find plenty of Malamute owners who say their dog is great with other dogs or even other animals, you never want to leave a Malamute alone with another animal, as they will not hesitate to attack if something goes wrong, even if they never have before.


4Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky are smaller than Malamutes, but they have about the same aggressive nature as those dogs.

3German Shepherd

German Shepherd are very smart, and they are quite easy to train.


Rottweiler are highly protective and they are aggressive too.


Pitbull doesn’t develop until the dog is about 3-years old. They take too much time to get trained.
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Jennie is a writer and aspiring journalist with a degree in English and a chip on her shoulder. When not writing she enjoys HITs (high intensity training), a nice Rose, and her guilty pleasure the RHA (real housewives of Hot-Lanta). List Land gets commissions for purchases made through links in this post. List Land also generates revenue through sponsored or paid posts. Thanks for reading, please support our sponsors.