Top 10 Strongest Animals In the Ocean

Top 10 Strongest Animals In the Ocean
Top 10 Strongest Animals In the Ocean

Top 10 Strongest Animals in the Ocean

The five oceans contain some of the greatest mysteries on the planet, and scientists estimate that nearly two-thirds of marine life remain completely unknown to us. Marine life is incredibly diverse and sometimes feels as old as time, and some of the oldest animals in existence live in the sea. The oceans are home to some of the largest and most powerful animals on Earth. They come from many different groups, too. Some are mammals, some are reptiles and some are fish. Some species have been seriously studied by scientists both in nature

reserves and in their natural habitats, but other species remain elusive and even mysterious. The wonders of the sea have been immortalized in literature and Hollywood films, yet they are still rarely portrayed accurately. Films and novels often make these powerful creatures out to be enormous, bloodthirsty monsters when in reality, most of these species would probably rather that humans left them alone and respected their habitat.Here is a list of ten of the strongest animals in the our miraculous seas:

10Killer Whales

Orcas or Killer Whales are among the strongest animals in the ocean

9Great White Sharks

The Great White Shark

8Giant Pacific Octopus

The Giant Octopus

7Tiger Shark

The Tiger Shark

6Giant Squid

The Giant Squid

5Lion’s Mane Jellyfish

The Lion’s Mane Jellyfish

4Sperm Whales

The Sperm Whale

3Bull Shark

The Bull shark

2Blue Whale

The Blue Whale

1Saltwater Crocodile

The Saltwater Crocodile