Top 10 Facts About How to Remove Skin Tags

Top 10 Facts About How to Remove Skin Tags
Top 10 Facts About How to Remove Skin Tags

10 Facts About How to Remove Skin Tags

Have you ever glanced in the mirror and noticed a small, pale piece of skin growing next to your eye, on the top of your lip, or on your neck? Chances are this is a skin tag. Skin tags are small growths that can grow virtually anywhere on the body. They are composed of collagen and blood vessels that get stuck in a larger piece of skin. They may grow in areas where skin meets skin, or where articles of clothing rub against the skin. These areas may include, for instance, the

eyelids, armpits, groin, upper chest, neck, and back.

Skin tags, while aesthetically frustrating, are usually harmless. They are benign growths that typically don’t grow, advance, or turn into anything that would require serious medical attention. The only time they may cause any frustration is when they are itched or rubbed. When prompted, they can become inflamed and irritated. However, if they are left alone, they are usually innocent.

Skin tags can be found on people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. They do not discriminate. There is evidence to suggest that pregnant women and obese individuals may develop them more often than their non-pregnant, healthy weight counterparts, although they can be found on virtually anyone.

While they are harmless, most people with skin tags wish to get rid of them. So, how do you remove skin tags? Here are 10 facts about how to remove skin tags that will help you keep your skin clear and healthy.

10Skin Tags Can be Removed Using a Tag Band Device

If you are looking to remove your skin tags, some methods are safer than others. Removing your skin tag with a tag band device, for instance, is much safer than tying a string onto your skin tag and trying to remove it yourself.

A tag band device is an easy tool to use to get rid of your skin tag. It was initially developed to help people remove their skin tags at home with little to no risk of infection. It is easy to use, 100% safe, and removes skin tags in less than one week. The beautiful thing is that this product can be purchased over the counter in any convenience store or local grocery store. Everything you need comes in one package and is easy to administer.

The device, itself, is a small tool that has a band wrapped around it. On one end, there is a small, hollow cone that is placed directly over the skin tag. Once this is put on top of the skin tag, the band is pushed to the edge, preventing blood flow to the skin tag. Without blood flow, the skin tag eventually dies. It will then fall off.

This product is deemed safe to use on most areas of the body, including the face. For those with small skin tags, they may opt to use another device called a Micro Tag Band. This product is also available in stores. This is a safe and effective way to remove skin tags without the hassle of going to a doctor or risking infection.

9Skin Tags Should Not be Removed with String or Floss

Floss everyday. Just not your skin tags.

8Once Removed, Skin Tags Can Grow Back

Skin tags can be tenacious.

7Tea Tree Oil Can Help Remove Skin Tags

You have probably heard all of the fuss about tea tree oil. In the world of beauty, health, and wellness, tea tree oil is constantly being marketed as wonder oil with unique properties that help treat, heal, and revitalize your body. Tea tree oil can be used to treat common infections of the skin, such as acne, fungal infections, lice, scabies, and ringworm. It can also be used to treat skin tags.

So, how does tea tree oil combat skin tags? What makes it a good method in helping to remove skin tags? Tea tree oil has antibacterial, anti-microbial, and other medicinal properties that help to treat the skin. When applied directly to the skin tag, it helps to loosen the tag from the base of the skin so that it falls off.

Tea tree oil is a great method to combat skin tags because it is affordable and easily accessible. You can find pure, natural tea tree oil in just about any natural food or health and beauty store. The important thing is that you purchase pure tea tree oil and dilute it yourself at home. It is critical that the oil is diluted before it is applied to your skin or else it can cause allergic reactions due to its potency. Dabbing a small amount of tea tree oil with a clean washcloth or cotton ball every night before bed can help to loosen the skin tag and remove it within a week.

6Skin Tags Should Not be Cut Off at Home

Leave the scissors in the drawer.

5Using a Wart and Mole Remover Can Work

When it comes to removing skin tags, there are many options on the market. While some are certainly better than others, one of the top ways is to use a wart and mole remover.

So, how does a wart and mole remover help to clear skin tags when skin tags aren’t related to warts or moles? Skin tags, similar to moles and warts, are growths on the skin. While they aren’t the same thing, they are similar and can be treated in a similar manner. If you aren’t comfortable resorting to some of the more invasive methods of removing skin tags, this can be a viable option.

The nice thing about wart and mole remover is that it can be purchased over the counter at just about any local drug store or convenience store. They are usually fairly priced and readily accessible. While there are quite a few different brands to choose from, Dr. Scholl’s ranks one of the best.

Once you have purchased the topical solution, it is time to apply it to your skin tag. It is important to make sure that the area is thoroughly washed and dried prior to application. This will help to ensure that there are no bacteria that infect the area. The wart remover is then applied directly to the skin tag. This is done for a week or more, depending on how big the skin tag is or how resilient it is to treatment. The solution will eventually loosen the tag, while will make it fall from the skin.

4Prior to Removing Your Skin Tag, You Should Consult a Medical Provider

For the love of God before you do anything, speak with your doctor.

3Skin Tags Can be Cauterized

Burn those suckers.

2Skin Tags Can be Removed Using a Technique Called Cryosurgery

Or freeze them to death.

1Skin Tags Can be Removed Using Apple Cider Vinegar

If you have tried everything to remove stubborn skin tags and nothing has worked, then perhaps it is time to rely on a more natural method. Apple cider vinegar is a wonder product that is used to treat a broad range of ailments. It is used to alleviate stomach aches, hiccups, sore throats, indigestion, and more. While it is certainly a great product to use for many reasons, it is an astonishing cure for skin tags.

Apple cider vinegar is great to use because it is affordable, readily available, and efficient. If you look in the back of your pantry, you will most likely find a large bottle of apple cider vinegar. If not, you can go to just about any grocery store, local convenience store, or corner market to grab a bottle. It can be found virtually anywhere and can be purchased at a fraction of the cost when compared to some of the other treatment options.

The acidity in the apple cider vinegar and its medicinal properties help to treat skin tags. All you need to do is pat a clean cotton ball with some diluted apple cider vinegar. This will help to ensure that the acidity of the vinegar doesn’t cause an adverse reaction with your skin. The cotton ball is then applied directly to the skin tag. This should be done for a week or more, depending on how well the skin tag responds to the treatment. Eventually, the skin tag will remove itself from the shaft, and your skin will be clear.


Skin tags are small growths that develop on the skin. While they are harmless, they can cause irritation depending on their location on the body. If they are in an area that tends to rub against your clothing, they can grow to become red and agitated. Typically, if they cause irritation or become a visible nuisance, they should be removed.

There are many ways to remove skin tags. Some of these methods are safer and more effective than others. One of the most important things is that you make sure you are treating a skin tag before beginning any treatment. It is recommended that you consult your healthcare professional to ensure there are no serious underlying skin conditions that need to be cared for.

If you elect to remove the skin tag yourself, you can use apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, or some topical solutions. If you feel more comfortable consulting a healthcare professional, they can remove your skin tag using cryosurgery or cauterization. Regardless, it is important to know the facts about what works and what doesn’t before treatment. Knowing the facts about how to remove skin tags will help to ensure that you remove them safely and adequately so that your skin can be clean, clear, and healthy for years to come.