Top 10 Strongest Animals on Land

Top 10 Strongest Animals on Land
Top 10 Strongest Animals on Land

1110 Strongest Animals on the Land


The planet Earth is filled with millions of species. Although the exact amount is not known, estimates put the number at 6.5 million different species on land and 2.2 million species found in the oceans. Many of these species are known to exhibit astonishing feats of strength that are hard to use as humans to even fathom. When coming up with the ten strongest animals on land, we have focused on each animal’s strength compared to its size and weight. As you’ll find, some of the strongest land animals are mighty in size
while others may appear insignificant at first glance. Yet if we dig a little deeper we find that a variety of species are capable of carrying and pulling incredible weights. You’ll find that their strength puts gym rats and body builders to shame.


Eagles. Majestic strength


Anacondas strong enough to pop your ugly mug like a pimple

8Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear Strength. Like old man strength but stinkier and stronger.


Oxen. As strong as they come. Do you even lift bro…


Tigers. Yeah, we’ll mess you up.


The Silverback Gorilla is not to be trifled with.

4African Elephant

African Elephants are immensely strong

3Leafcutter Ant

The leafcutter ant lifts 50 times its weight

2Rhinoceros Beetle

The Rhino Beetle is one tough customer

1Dung Beetle

Dung Beetle. The strongest animal. Betcha didn’t guess that!